My husband is the more esoteric one between the two of us. (Indeed, he taught me what the word “esoteric” means.) Now here's the thing: Tommy has credibility as a cultured gentleman who generally knows and follows our etiquette rules here in the deep South. I was taken aback when he asked me to remove the ball cap I was wearing during a movie.
“It’s only a rule that men can’t wear hats,” I gleefully whispered in his ear, while grabbing the last handful of popcorn when he wasn’t looking. We all know, of course, that it’s rude and bad form to check your brightly lit smart phone during a film. That’s what the underneath-the-seat area is for. Within 60 seconds after trying to prove me wrong, Hubs whispered, “We’ll discuss this later,” as he made that shocked face which always means, “I can’t believe you’re actually right about this.” Ha, ha, I joyfully laughed, as we exited the theater. “Chicks don’t have to take off their hats,” I announced, as I snatched his prized Stetson off his head ~ the one he doesn’t ever share ~ and went skipping toward the car.
“They do if they’re blocking someone’s view to something important he laughed, adding, “according to Emily Post.” (Besides the word “esoteric," Tommy has taught me to, “Always, always source the source.” I can be certain my former newspaper editor spouse knows what he’s talking about when he says there’s confusion surrounding a subject. What a thrill it was to finally get half a mulligan (what golfers call a freebie) in our running Little Known Facts game against my beloved encyclopedic brained mate.
I tease a lot, so let me restate for clarity that according to Mrs. Post, ladies actually are exempt from having to take off their hats inside, unless they’re blocking someone’s view, like at a symphony or theater performance. That said, it’s a good thing I’m a big fan of beanies, berets, and baseball caps instead of tall top hats (which I would like to have but do not own). Too bad, so sad for you guys who can’t run for a quick cap covering on a bad hair day.
Suzana Barton is the the founder of , a travel and fashion blog. She researches simple ideas to put a smile on your face. 👠💛🚐🧡✈️